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Serina Chang

I recently completed my PhD in CS at Stanford, advised by Jure Leskovec and Johan Ugander. I look forward to starting at Berkeley in July 2025 as an Assistant Professor, with a joint appointment in EECS and Computational Precision Health! Before then, I'll be doing a postdoc at Microsoft Research NYC in the Computational Social Science group. I'm recruiting students from Berkeley EECS and CPH in Fall 2024, so please note my name in your application if you'd like to work with me.

My research falls at the intersection of AI, public health, and social science. Specifically, I develop AI methods to improve public health, understand human behavior, and guide data-driven policymaking. I'm interested in leveraging novel data sources - such as mobility data and search logs - to better understand human networks and behaviors at the center of societal challenges. These data sources provide new opportunities to capture individuals at scale, with the potential to improve decisions that affect billions every day. However, novel data also introduce new challenges, such as how to infer networks from aggregated data (Nature'21, ICML'24), estimate causal spillover effects of policies (AAAI'23), or extract precise behavioral signals from vast unlabeled data such as search logs (arXiv'23), speeches (PNAS'22), news articles (EMNLP'19), and social media (EMNLP'18). To address these challenges, I develop new methods blending machine learning, network science, and natural language processing. I use these methods to develop policy insights and tools (KDD'21, IAAI'22), which have been widely used by policymakers.

My work is recognized by a KDD Best Paper Award, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Meta PhD Fellowship, EECS Rising Stars, Rising Stars in Data Science, and Cornell Future Faculty Symposium, and has been featured by over 650 news outlets, including The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Recent News


* indicates co-first authorship

Inferring dynamic networks from marginals with iterative proportional fitting
Serina Chang*, Frederic Koehler*, Zhaonan Qu*, Jure Leskovec, and Johan Ugander
ICML 2024
Also presented at Learning on Graphs 2023 (extended abstract)
[paper] [code]

Accurate measures of vaccination and concerns of vaccine holdouts from web search logs
Serina Chang, Adam Fourney, and Eric Horvitz
Nature Communications (accepted in principle)
Also presented at KDD 2023 Workshop on Epidemiology Meets Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (oral) and KDD 2023 Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (oral)
[paper] [data & code]

Generating social networks with large language models
Alicja Chaszczewicz*, Serina Chang*, Emma Wang, Maya Josifovska, Emma Pierson, and Jure Leskovec
Presenting at IC2S2 2024 as Plenary Talk (2.8% submissions)
[extended abstract]

Estimating geographic spillover effects of COVID-19 policies from large-scale mobility networks
Serina Chang, Damir Vrabac, Jure Leskovec, and Johan Ugander
AAAI 2023
Also presented at KDD 2022 Workshop on Data-driven Humanitarian Mapping and Policymaking (oral) and IC2S2 2022
[paper] [code]

Computational analysis of 140 years of US political speeches reveals more positive but increasingly polarized framing of immigration
Dallas Card, Serina Chang, Chris Becker, Julia Mendelsohn, Rob Voigt, Leah Boustan, Ran Abramitzky, and Dan Jurafsky
PNAS 2022
Article in Stanford HAI News by Edmund L. Andrews
[paper] [code]

To recommend or not? A model-based comparison of item-matching processes
Serina Chang and Johan Ugander
ICWSM 2022
Also presented at IC2S2 2021 (oral)
[paper] [code]

Data-driven real-time strategic placement of mobile vaccine distribution sites
Zakaria Mehrab, Mandy L. Wilson, Serina Chang, Galen Harrison, Bryan L. Lewis, Alex Tellionis, Justin Crow, Dennis Kim, Scott Spillman, Kate Peters, Jure Leskovec, and Madhav Marathe
IAAI 2022

Supporting COVID-19 policy response with large-scale mobility-based modeling
Serina Chang, Mandy L. Wilson, Bryan Lewis, Zakaria Mehrab, Komal K. Dudakiya, Emma Pierson, Pang Wei Koh, Jaline Gerardin, Beth Redbird, David Grusky, Madhav Marathe, and Jure Leskovec
KDD 2021, Applied Data Science Track - Best Paper Award
[paper] [code] [blog post]

Mobility network models of COVID-19 explain inequities and inform reopening
Serina Chang*, Emma Pierson*, Pang Wei Koh*, Jaline Gerardin, Beth Redbird, David Grusky, and Jure Leskovec
Nature 2021
Commentary in Nature News and Views by Kevin Ma and Dr. Marc Lipsitch
Interactive article in The New York Times by Yaryna Serkez
Selected media coverage: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, CNN, Wired, MIT Technology Review, and Stanford Press
Also presented at Networks 2021 (oral), NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health, NeurIPS 2020 COVID-19 Symposium, and OECD-ODISSEI Webinar on Open Data Infrastructure
[paper] [code] [talk] [website]

Epidemic dynamics in inhomogeneous populations and the role of superspreaders
Kyle Kawagoe*, Mark Rychnovsky*, Serina Chang, Greg Huber, Lucy M. Li, Jonathan Miller, Reuven Pnini, Boris Veytsman, and David Yllanes
Physical Review Research 2021

Automatically inferring gender associations from language
Serina Chang and Kathleen McKeown
EMNLP 2019 (short paper, oral)
[paper] [code] [talk]

Detecting gang-involved escalation on social media using context
Serina Chang, Ruiqi Zhong, Ethan Adams, Fei-Tzin Lee, Siddharth Varia, Chris Kedzie, Desmond Patton, William Frey, and Kathleen McKeown
EMNLP 2018 (long paper, oral)
[paper] [code] [talk]

Crowd-sourced iterative annotation for narrative summarization corpora
Jessica Ouyang, Serina Chang, and Kathleen McKeown
EACL 2017 (short paper, oral)
[paper] [video]

Work Experience

Microsoft, Research Intern

Internship with Dr. Eric Horvitz. Developed methods in graph ML to detect vaccination intent and analyze vaccine concerns in large-search search logs. See Chang, Fourney, and Horvitz, "Accurate Measures of Vaccination and Concerns of Vaccine Holdouts from Web Search Logs."

Stanford, Machine Learning with Graphs (CS224W), Head CA (2021)

Managed team of course assistants and class of over 300 students. This course, taught by Prof. Jure Leskovec, covers the foundations and state-of-the-art of graph ML, including graph neural networks, representation learning, and reasoning over knowledge graphs.

Google, Software Engineering Intern (2018)

Built a user-facing feature for Google Search and Assistant. Designed new logic to parse natural language queries related to the feature, implemented backend in Search architecture, and worked with UX designer and Product Manager to create frontend.

© Serina Chang 2024